Version Updates

Version 1.2 Updates
# Version 1.2 Update Info
  - Bug Fixes
    - Fixed issue from if using /logout command the tablet info wouldn't update always to the new character information
    - Fixed issue of tablet getting stuck in hand if restarting the script

# Files changes
   - `html/script.js`
   - `client/client_main.lua`
   - `server/server_main.lua`

  - Nothing changed with config.lua you can still use the current one you have just copy it in or replace the one from the new download with your old one
  - If using webhooks replace the file in the new download with the old one or update the information in the new file 
  - If changes were made to locale file don't forget to update or replace the new file with your old one
Version 1.1 Updates OUTDATED
# Version 1.1 Updates Info
  - Fixed a bug when firing an employee that prevented it from updating correctly at times
  - Fixed formatting issue in html to account for miss spelling in default QBCore gang label 
# Only files with changes
  - `server/server_jobs.lua` 
     - Around line 698
     - You can just replace your `server_jobs.lua` file with the new one
  - `html/index.html`
     - Around line 67
     - If you have done formatting changed in the html just copy and paste over the info on lines 67 and 68 to account for the gang info change there 
     - If no formatting changes have been done just replace the `index.html` file with the new one 

Last updated